Cadbury's Joy Jacket
October 2013
London - United Kingdom
Hirsch&Mann was approached by the PR company Golin Harris to collaborate in creating an interactive, wearable jacket for Cadbury.
The project became the “Cadburys Joy Jackets”. A pair of beautifully crafted, meticulously designed, interactive jackets that respond and change as the user eats chocolate. The intention was to amplify the joy experienced by a person as they enjoyed two different (and awesome) flavours of Cadbury chocolates.
The two flavours of jackets were related to the Cadbury + Daim and the Cadbury + Oreo collaborations. The Joy Jackets were also sent out to youtube vloggers at PointLess Blog to see what their reactions would be to putting the Jacket on and sharing the joy of eating chocolate.

Golin Harris PR
Experiential Concept Design, Experience Design, Hardware & Software Design & Development