Turing Interactive

The Science Museum London
June 2012
London - United Kingdom
Hirsch&Mann was commissioned by the Science Museum London to build three exhibits that celebrated the legacy of Alan Turing.

In 2012, they opened their Codebreaker exhibition in celebration of the centenary of Turing’s birth. The exhibition included a history of his incredible career, including artefacts like the groundbreaking Pilot ACE computer. We were asked to create a series of exhibits which demonstrated and recognized the progress in computing while at the same time representing a spirit of engineering and innovation. To achieve this, Hirsch&Mann worked in collaboration with the very talented teams at The Cross Kings and Technology Will Save Us.

We created three installations which each represented a programming principle: looping, variables, and conditionals. At the heart of each of these exhibits is an Arduino – an open source hardware platform which is incredibly accessible and has a growing community of contributors.

Technology Will Save Us , The Cross Kings
Concept Development, Electronics & Software Development, Production, Installation